
Marriage Annulment in Las Vegas

Marriages that are based on “lack of capacity” and/or fraud, can be dissolved via an annulment. An annulment, unlike a divorce, will make it seem like you were never married.  Some basis for an annulment in Las Vegas include, but are not limited to an inability to make an informed decision about getting married, because one party was under the influence of drugs or alcohol.  Another example would be, to be married under false pretenses, such as only to gain legal citizenship.

Many couples only pass through Las Vegas to get married. There are more than 100,000 thousand marriages that are performed in Las Vegas. It is easy and inexpensive, to obtain a marriage license in Nevada, and due to the fact that some couples regret this quick decision, an annulment can be conducted without either of you being a resident of the state of Nevada (but you must reside in the area for at least a month and half, prior to the Las Vegas annulment).

Some previous cases where annulments have been granted in Las Vegas, Nevada include, but are not limited to:

  1. Prior to the wedding, it had not been revealed that one party was declared to be mentally insane.
  2. The couple is related by blood.
  3. An under aged party (under 18) was married without legal consent from parent or legal guardian.
  4. A previous marriage and divorce had not been finalized.
  5. An unwillingness to live together.
  6. Refusal to consummate (have sexual relations) with spouse.
  7. Withheld previous information that one party previously or currently works as a prostitute.
  8. Withheld information regarding impotency or inability to perform sexually.
  9. Woman withheld information that she was pregnant with another man’s child prior to marriage.
  1. Falsely represented that a pregnancy existed, in order to get married, and it was later discovered that the woman was never pregnant.
  2. Not forthcoming with knowledge of children from a previous marriage.
  3. Concealed the fact that an addiction (gambling, drug, or alcohol) was present.
  4. Misrepresentation of religious beliefs and convictions.
  5. Withholding information regarding a medical condition, such as AIDs or cancer, may also be grounds for a marriage annulment in Las Vegas.

Some annulments are granted by the court system because it was known very quickly by the parties that the impulse marriage was a mistake.  “Fraud” is often used as a basis for an annulment, and is used when the marriage is not consummated (sealed by mutual consent sexual intercourse), finances were never combined, and/or the marriage lasted just a few days.  There is no time limit to file for an annulment, but when a marriage lasts for a year or more, the basis of a “fraud” claim becomes harder to prove.

Divorce is more common than annulments, but when an annulment is granted by the courts, it is like the couple had never been married. This can have a huge impact on alimony payments (or lack of), debt, and division of marital property.