
Will A Homemaker Have to Find a Job After Divorce?

Divorce can change your life in many ways. If you have always been a homemaker, your spouse may no longer be willing or able to support you. This means that you may need to return to the workforce. Whether you will have to go back to work or not is going to depend upon the terms of your divorce settlement agreement and whether you are able to live on any money provided to you for spousal support.

An experienced Las Vegas divorce lawyer will help you to negotiate with your spouse or present evidence to a judge so you can get a fair divorce settlement agreement that protects your finances.  With the help of your attorney, you can determine if you will have to find a job after divorce and you may be able to argue that you are entitled to enough support that you do not need to return to work. Call Pintar Albiston LLP today to schedule a consultation and learn more about how a lawyer can represent you.

Will a Homemaker Have to Find a Job After a Divorce?

When your marriage ends, you may be awarded child support to provide for your children and you may be awarded spousal support to provide for your own living expenses.  You will also receive your share of marital property.  If the money, property and assets that you receive during a divorce are enough to sustain you, then you do not have to find a job after a divorce. Likewise, if you and your kids can live on the amount of spousal support and child support you receive, then there is no need for you to return to the workforce.

Spousal support is not available in all divorce situations. You and your spouse can work together to try to negotiate on the issue of spousal support. Your spouse may be willing to agree to give you enough money to live off of, especially if you have been married for a long time or if you are taking care of children or other family members.  If you have a prenuptial agreement, then the agreement may also provide you with enough support and money to live on after divorce.

If your spouse does not agree to pay, or if you cannot come to an agreement on property division or an appropriate amount of support, the court will get involved. In a litigated divorce, the court can determine how property is to be divided and how much support is going to be required. The court will not always order support, but your spouse will typically be required to pay you alimony if there is a major earning discrepancy. The longer you have been married and the more contributions you made to your family and your spouse’s career, the more support you can expect to receive.

In most cases, however, the court will expect you to become self-supporting within a period of time. This means that you may get enough support to live on until you can renew credentials, but won’t necessarily be awarded permanent support in an amount sufficient to live on for the rest of your life.  There are exceptions, of course, especially if your spouse has a very high income or if you are disabled or have been out of the workforce for much too long to find a job.

Your Las Vegas divorce attorney can help you to determine what support you should be entitled to and can help you to make a strong argument for sufficient support. Call today to schedule a consultation with Pintar Albiston LLP to learn more.