Understanding the Guardianship Process in Las Vegas Nevada
Guardianship means obtaining the legal authority to make decisions for another person and a long-term guardian must be appointed by a court. When an adult is unable to care for himself, or a child’s parents are unable to care for the child, a guardianship may be needed. The appointed guardian has the legal authority to care for a person who cannot care for themselves, including not only the elderly but incapacitated persons, such a person after a debilitating accident or mental incapacity, or children in need.. [Read More…]
Why do I need a contract?
A contract is a formal agreement between two or more parties for each party to perform certain acts. Contracts can cover an extremely broad range of matters, including the sale of goods or real property, the terms of employment or of an independent contractor relationship, the settlement of a dispute, and ownership of intellectual property. At Pintar Albiston LLP, we provide a wide range of professional services for contracts, including contract review, contract drafting, contract revisions and breach of contract legal actions. The Elements of a.. [Read More…]
Finding a Balance: Nevada’s Landlord Tenant Laws
Whether you are contemplating getting into the real estate market in order to make money from renting property or simply looking for a decent place to rent, it pays to learn more about Nevada’s landlord tenant laws. They are meant to find a balance between protecting the landlord and protecting the tenant, which is not necessarily always straightforward or easy. If you are a landlord already or are thinking of renting your property, it may be sensible to discuss your legal rights and responsibilities and possible renting.. [Read More…]
Types of Child Custody
Types of Child Custody Child custody is a legal term that is used in family law issues to resolve and establish the rights and responsibilities of parents that relates to minor children when parents divorce or separate. If parents cannot decide as to issues of child custody, visitation and support, then the family court will decide child custody and support issues including who the child will live with and who will make decisions about the children. When parents are unable to come to an agreement on.. [Read More…]
Do I Get Spousal Support?
Spousal Support Family law in Nevada does not provide any formula to determine spousal support, or alimony, unlike some other states. Rather alimony can be awarded to either a husband or wife in periodic payments in an amount that “appears just and equitable.” NRS 125.150. Alimony can be determined either through agreement between the spouses or by court order. In addition, spousal support, or alimony, can also influence how the assets of the marriage are distributed. Family laws in Nevada provide that a court shall make.. [Read More…]