
How Long Do You Have to Pay Support?

There are two primary types of support that you may be required to pay after a divorce. One type of support is alimony, or spousal support. This is not ordered in all divorce cases and a number of factors are considered in determining if spousal support will be mandated. Another type of support is child support. Child support generally must be paid in all situations when a child’s parents live separately.

If the court orders you to pay alimony and/or child support, it is important to understand how long you have to pay support. The length of your obligation is going to vary based on your particular circumstances, but you must pay for the entire time required. A Las Vegas family law attorney at Pintar Albiston LLP can help you to make a strong argument for a fair support order during your divorce and can also assist you if you need to petition the court to modify an existing support order.

How Long Do You Have to Pay Support?

When you are required to pay child support, you generally will have to pay support until your child or children turn 18 years old. However, if the custody arrangement changes and your children begin to live in your home or spend more time under your care, then your support obligation may be reduced or eliminated. In other situations, you may actually be required to pay support even once a child is over 18. Depending upon the terms of your divorce and your family situation, you may need to continue to pay support as long as your child is attending school.

When you are required to pay alimony, the length of time you have to pay support will depend upon whether the spousal support is permanent or temporary. If your spouse only needs a little time to undergo training or renew credentials before becoming self-supporting, you may be ordered to pay temporary alimony only. However, if you had a long marriage and your spouse is not likely to ever be able to earn enough to support a lifestyle similar to that enjoyed during the marriage, then you may be ordered to pay permanent support.

Permanent alimony or spousal support is common in situations where you earn much more than your spouse, especially if your ex contributed to your career or education. If your spouse is disabled and/or has been a primary caregiver for children or family members for a long time, this can also increases the chances that permanent alimony will be awarded.

If you have to pay support on a permanent basis, this doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll pay forever. If your spouse remarries, spousal support can end. If you lose your job and cannot find another despite your best efforts to do so, then your spousal support obligation may be reduced.

If you have to pay support and it has become a financial burden, you may be able to petition the court to modify a support order. Pintar Albiston LLP Can help you to try to protect your finances after a divorce or separation Call today to schedule a consultation and learn more.