How Can a Las Vegas Real Estate Lawyer Help Me?
Real estate transactions can include construction contracts to build new structures; the purchase/sale of real estate; or a residential and commercial lease. All of these transactions involve significant sums of money and can be complex deals that have many different terms and provisions. It is important that you understand the real estate deal you enter into and make an informed choice about whether it is a good deal for you.
A Las Vegas real estate lawyer can help with any real estate transaction you are considering. Your attorney can negotiate the terms of the deal on your behalf, can review paperwork and documents, and can provide advice about the transaction. If a dispute arises regarding the real estate deal, your attorney can also help with contract interpretation and represent you during dispute resolution proceedings including mediation, arbitration, and litigation. Pintar Albiston LLP has extensive experience representing clients on a wide variety of real estate matters and we are here to help you. Call today to learn more.
How can a Las Vegas Real Estate Lawyer Help?
A Las Vegas real estate lawyer can assist you in:
- Negotiating the terms of a contractual agreement. The specific terms to be included vary depending upon whether the agreement is a lease, a purchase/sale agreement, or a construction contract. In every type of agreement, it is important to ensure that the terms are favorable to your interests. For example, in a buy/sell agreement, the seller may want an “as-is” clause absolving him of future responsibility for any problems. A buyer, on the other hand, may prefer some type of warranty clause. In a construction contract, buyers may want to include a date of completion with penalties attached if the deadline is missed, while a builder may be resistant to such a clause. An attorney can help to negotiate contract terms to get you a favorable deal while moving the agreement forward to ensure consensus is reached.
- Reviewing the terms of contractual agreements. Many real estate forms are standard forms that may be varied slightly for a specific transaction. However, before you sign any paperwork- whether it is a residential or commercial lease or a sale/purchase or construction contract- you need to understand exactly what you are agreeing to. A Las Vegas real estate lawyer can read the fine print and legalese and help you to understand exactly what your rights and obligations will be under the terms of the real estate agreement.
- Reviewing financing and loan documents. Loans can be extremely complex for large real estate transactions and you need to ensure that the terms and conditions of the financing you secure are reasonably favorable so you do not have difficulty paying in the future.
- Resolving disputes. Disagreements can arise, especially in construction and lease agreements. Your attorney can help you to find a cost-effective resolution.
To learn more about how a Las Vegas real estate lawyer can help you with all of your real estate needs, contact Pintar Albiston LLP today.